Monday, August 23, 2010

Dragonfly Macro



Sandy Trefger said...

Very lovely!

Sandy From the Heart of Texas

Ashley Sisk said...

Wow - this is excellent.

ilovepink said...

eye catching photographs. I like t very cool.

Holly said...

I went out taking pictures of the flower when this little guy decided to come and steal it's thunder! LOL!! As I was editing these, some funny things happened. First, I discovered a bee in the bottom of the flower that I hadn't even picked up on when I shot it, and this dragonfly looks like it has a blue face with FRECKLES! HAH!! Oh the things we see when we blow a small thing of beauty up 10X! LOL!! ;D So glad you like it!!

Unknown said...

I love that he's red and sitting on red. Very pretty!

Unknown said...

I have seen a lot of pictures of dragon flies this spring and summer. I am going to go out on a limb and say this is my very favorite so far. The color is just perfect. Gorgeous. I adore this shot.

The tiny details on this creature are just amazing. Beautiful capture!

patty said...

fantastic capture!

C.G. Koens said...

The dragonfly is amazing!

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Simply Incredible!!!!!Breathless, I am.

Mommy2Four said...

AMAZING!!! How did you get that shot?

Holly said...

So glad you like this. I was blessed to be in the right spot and just the right moment. I was shooting the flower off to the side when this guy decided to grace my lens with his presence! AAAHHHHH...!! Thnkd you, Mr. Dragonfly!! ;D

Berg said...

This makes me want a macro lens so badly!

Laura said...

Beautiful!! Love the color and precision! Just gorgeous :)