This is my photo blog. I'll go over challenges, triumphs, learning experiences, or just what I've been shooting recently... Call it my photographic journal! I'm ALWAYS learning!
*Images are copyrighted to MY family. ; )
Cake doesn't have to be sweet. ...
Cake doesn't have to be sweet. More
Part of me was functional on a build it and they will arrive mentality
(probably out of self pres...
cara alami mengatasi gejala wasir
[image: cara alami mengobati wasir dalam]
*cara alami mengatasi gejala wasir* -
Wasir (hemoroid) atau Ambeien yaitu pembengkakan pembuluh darah di area
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) telah dikenal sejak lama sebagai tanaman
yang kaya manfaat. Buahnya berasa pahit, asam dan sedikit dingin, tetapi
Awesome Handmade Shit Vol. 1
Sometimes when I'm feeling stressed or just need a bit of inspiration,
Etsy is my go-to place to drool all over my computer and cry about not
being able t...
Meghann & Jason Wedding Day
Meghann and Jason met in middle school. You can say they are childhood
sweethearts and were destined to be together forever. As the story goes,
the propos...
Ready to Pop
My lovely neighbor is ready to pop! Back when we did this session she
wasn't quite so close. We wanted to take advantage of the lovely
bluebonnets and ge...
Mosaic Monday Change
*Just a reminder: Judith, of Lavender Cottage, will be taking over Mosaic
Monday beginning this Sunday. She will be posting around 2:00pm EST. *
Priya. Bloomfield Hills Senior Pictures
[image: Priya (115 of 138)_WEB]
Priya. This girl has an inner beauty that just radiates. She is definitely
one of The International Academy of Bloomfield Hi...
Happy Spring [Nurture Photography]
Happy first day of Spring, friends! I know for many of you it's been a long
winter and spring can't come soon enough. Even here in the south things
seem to...
New Adventures
So, it's been about a year and a half since I last posted. To make it
worse, I just stopped posting with no notice or warning. I'm not sure what
happened t...
I was asked by a friend to draw a portrait of her nephew (who passed away
very unexpectedly in September) as a Christmas gift for his mom.
It was an ho...
I Love Photography! by The Pioneer Woman
A short time after I started my blog in 2006, I got a “big girl camera” and
began learning about photography. My learning approach was to take
thousands an...
We've Moved! Come Check Out Our New Place!
Hey all,
We have so enjoyed sharing our weight loss success, recipes, health tips,
and family fun here at the Zahlmann Zoo Crew, but we are moving! We hav...
Mellow Yellow Monday #181
Saw these at the Dollar Store the other day ... very cheery!
[image: MellowYellowBadge]
1. Kim,USA
2. Life's Concealed Details
3. Deliciously ...
Joy of Love
Trying to catch up on Joy of Love (now that it's over, oops)! I missed a
few of the prompts and someday I will go back and complete them. I also
hope to go...
Do you miss me?
I miss my readers! One day I might figure out how to update my RSS feed to
automatically get my blogger platform readers to see my self-hosted posts.
(And ...
Hello again...
Hi there. If you're still there.
It's been a while.
Much like the last post of this same nature, this is kind of an apology. To
you my rocking an...
He is the youngest and the most like his dad. He gets a thrill over being silly and loves to giggle... Yes, not LAUGH... GIGGle!!
Stitch Kid
HE picked that one... His favorite Disney character is STITCH! ;D
College Boy
WeI guess this one will change someday. But as of NOW, he IS our only college boy. ;D This is his sophomore year and he attends U of U
Country Gal
She loves everything country/outdoors/hunting/ 4 wheeling... Yes, the pic needs updating as this was 3 years ago! Yes, he is her man and he DID wear bblack Wranglers, cowboy boots, Mossy Oak Camo Vest and cowboy hat. ;p
Heartbreaker, Goofball, and Vincent
Heartbreaker because when she got married, hearts all over UT and SoCal were breaking in 2! Goofball, because he is one... and proud of it! He's also happy that he's the one that one Heartbreaker's heart! They are the ones that are such awesome parents and lost one in 2007 and are facing the same fate with this one. He is now 28 months and doing much better than expected! Every day is a blessing with his sweet spirit!
Happy and Fam
Happy is just that, happy-go-lucky! He's in LOVE with his wife of 7 years and has adorable kids. He's is always laughing and joking around. They also live out of state. But since they are close to Disneyland, we have a good excuse to VISIT!! ;D
Artsy and Fam
Artsy because she is the creative artistic one of the group. She's a graphic designer, draws, and does ALL kinds of crafts. She definitely keeps busy with her 4 little ones!
Whimsy and Fam
Whimsey because she is a very "spur of the moment" gal!! Something sounds FUN and she's OFF to DO it! She's out of state and we miss her and her family!!
Smiley and Fam
Smiley has had that nickname ALL his LIFE!! Always smiley and mischievous!! He has an adorable family and his little boy is a clone of him! ;D
Oldest and Fam
Oldest because, well,,, he is!! He and his wife are school teachers and they have 3 children. They are quite musical, too!